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Release History

This article describes the fixes and new releases that are included in the version updates. Check this article regularly as we continue to update the latest fixes and releases.

Service Update

Released on 10 July 2023.

This article describes the fixes and new releases that are included in this version update. Check this article regularly as we continue to update the latest fixes and releases.

Updates for Buyer Accounts


  • You can now deactivate Vendor Accounts that are associated with your company. Once deactivated, the Vendor and their records (bids, POs, DOs, etc) can no longer be selected when creating new records.
  • Fixes an issue where attached documents were not supported if the file extension contained uppercase characters.


  • Vendor discounts are now supported in Quotations. Vendors can give discounts as a percentage or as a fixed amount, which can be applied as a lump sum or to individual line items. Purchase orders, contracts and price comparison reports created from Quotations that include discounts will also display the discount values as read-only fields.
  • Fixes an issue where the Clarification tab became hidden after the Quotation Opening Stage.


  • Vendor discounts are now supported in Tenders. Vendors can give discounts as a percentage or as a fixed amount, which can be applied as a lump sum or to individual line items. Purchase orders and price comparison reports created from Tenders that include discounts will also display the discount values as read-only fields.
  • The Tender Committee tab now includes an info (i) icon which displays a popup describing the roles and responsibilities of the various tender committee members.
  • When Tenders are extended during the Tender Opening stage, the status for bidders who have already submitted their bids will be updated to ‘To Resubmit’. Bidders will be notified via email and are allowed to resubmit their bids up till the extended deadline.
  • During Tender Evaluation, unanswered questions will now be outlined in red to help evaluators identify which evaluation questions have yet to be answered.
  • When Tenders are pending approval to proceed to the award stage (after Bidder Recommendations have been submitted), approvers can now click on the ‘View Evaluation Score Sheet’ button to view the detailed breakdown of the evaluation scores for all bidders.

Reverse Auction

  • Fixes an issue in Reverse Auctions which use a foreign currency, in which the base currency was always displayed, even when a foreign currency had been selected as the bidding currency.

Purchase Order

  • Restrictions have been added to the PO Target Delivery Date. The target delivery date must be after the PO Start Date, and cannot be after the PO End Date.


  • Fixes an issue in Invoices created from Contracts, which previously did not allow users to add delivery orders to the invoices.

Updates for Vendor Accounts


  • Fixes an issue where attached documents were not supported if the file extension contained uppercase characters.
  • The Sales and Finance roles are now discontinued. All Vendor users will now have the same access permissions equivalent to a Vendor Admin.


  • Discounts are now supported in e-Tenders. You can choose to give discounts as a percentage or as a fixed amount, which can be applied as a lump sum or to individual line items.
  • During the Pending Negotiation stage, notification emails for tender resubmission have been updated to include more detailed action items. You will also be allowed to upload revised tender documents in the Document Submission tab during tender resubmission.
  • In the event that you have submitted a bid for an e-Tender, and the e-Tender is extended during the Tender Opening stage, your status will be updated to ‘To Resubmit’ instead of remaining as ‘Submitted’. You will be notified via email and are allowed to resubmit their bids up till the extended deadline.


  • Discounts are now supported in e-Quotations. You can choose to give discounts as a percentage or as a fixed amount, which can be applied as a lump sum or to individual line items. Fixes an issue where Vendors failed to receive notification emails when their clarification question is answered privately, or when a clarification has been published publicly in a Quotation they are participating in.


  • You can now create Delivery Orders based on published Contracts that are awarded to you.

Service Update

Released on 12 June 2023.

Updates for Buyer Accounts


  • In all modules, the 'Quantity' field now supports up to 2 decimal places. This is to support UOMs such as kilograms, litres, etc.
  • In the login page, registration page and forgot password page, the following special characters are no longer allowed due to security reasons: < > { }


  • In the Vendor Listing page, you can now view, sort and filter Vendors by Sub-Categories.
  • Each time a vendor's company profile is returned or rejected, any remarks inserted will be logged in the Vendor's Company Profile under the Activities Log.


  • In the Quotation Header section, the 'Currency' field is now removed.
  • In the Quotation Items section, the following fields have been added for each line item: 'Currency', 'Unit Price'.
  • When viewing the Material Price Bank by Material Items, the Quotation Listing will now filter for only the quotations where ITB = 'Yes' or 'Alternative'. The listings can be further filtered by ITB status.
  • Price Charts will now display only the data points for quotations where ITB = 'Yes' for the specific material item.
  • Fixes an issue where new quotation plans could not be created if approval workflows were not required.


  • During the Negotiation stage, users now have the option to request for the recommended bidder to resubmit their bid.

Updates for Vendor Accounts


  • In all modules, the 'Quantity' field now supports up to 2 decimal places. This is to support UOMs such as kilograms, litres, etc.
  • In the login page, registration page and forgot password page, the following special characters are no longer allowed due to security reasons: < > { }


  • In the Quotation Header section, the 'Currency' field is now removed.
  • In the Quotation Item section, the following fields have been added for each line item: 'Intent to Bid', 'Justification', 'Currency'.


  • Buyers now have the option to request you to resubmit your bid if you are one of the recommended bidders during the Negotiation stage. If this occurs, you will be notified via email.
  • The number of e-Bidding pending resubmission will be displayed on your Dashboard.
  • The e-Bidding listing will allow you to filter by status = 'Pending Negotiation'. Clicking on the e-Bidding record will allow you to resubmit your bid by editing your bid amount, tax amount and justification in the Pricing Summary tab.

Service Update

Released on 22 May 2023.

Updates for Buyer Accounts


  • Fixes several issues with notification emails for multi-level approval tasks and delegation tasks in the following modules: Tender, Purchase Order, Delivery Order, Invoice, and Vendor Performance. The errors fixed include approver names not displaying properly, approval delegatees not receiving notification emails, approval group members not receiving task cancellation emails when the approval task has been completed, and approvers receiving duplicated emails.
  • For tasks with multi-level approval, the Activity Log now shows the approver name for each approval group, instead of just the final approver. This only applies to new approval tasks created after this Service Update.
  • For tasks with Approval Logs, the approval history sub-tabs have been merged into a single Approval History Log for a more consolidated view. This applies to the following modules: Purchase Requisition, Tender, Direct Negotiation, Quotation, e-Bidding, Purchase Order, Delivery Order, Invoice, and Vendor Performance.
  • For Quotations, Purchase Orders, Contracts, and Invoices, the position of the sub-tabs in the Document section will be adjusted so that ‘Attachments (External)’ appears first, followed by ‘Supporting Documents (Internal)’.
  • Several error messages have been updated to be more descriptive and user-friendly.


  • Notification emails will now be sent to invited Vendors on the Quotation Start Date and 1 day before the Quotation End Date. This can be further configured in Application Settings.
  • The Quotation Opening workflow will now be implemented once the Quotation End Date has been reached. This allows Quotation requestors to recommend Vendors, extend the Quotation, or cancel the Quotation. This also allows approver(s) to review and approve recommended Vendors for Quotations.
  • During the 'Pending Recommendation' stage, Buyer users can now request Vendors to resubmit their e-Quotation. If the Vendor fails to resubmit by the due date, the prior Quotation will be regarded as the final submission.
  • Quotation statuses have been revamped to reflect the new workflows described above. The updated statuses include Draft, Pending Quotation Plan Approved, Quotation Plan Reworked, Quotation Plan Approved, Quotation Plan Rejected, In Progress, Cancelled, Opening, Pending Recommendation, Pending Recommendation Request Approval, Pending Recommendation Approval, Awarded.


  • Amended the formula used to calculate cost savings in the Award tab. The updated formula is Savings = Initial Price – Award Price.
  • The ‘Supporting Document (Internal)’ sub-tab has been moved out of the Tender Document section to become an independent standalone section. This section allows users to upload supporting documents for internal reference (not visible to bidders).
  • When Tender status is Awaiting Shortlisting Approval, delegatees can now approve shortlisting on behalf of delegators.
  • During the Negotiation stage, Buyer users will no longer be able to submit price changes on behalf of vendors due to compliance reasons.
  • In the Negotiation stage and Award stage, the ‘Total Added Values’ field has been renamed to ‘Intangible Value Adding.’ The ‘Total Added Values Amount (MYR)’ field is removed.
  • Fixes an issue in the Award section where the Awarded Value and Savings (%) were displayed incorrectly if there was a price negotiation. Fixes an issue with Tender Extension where the extension of Tender Closing Date/Time was required to be at least 24 hours or more. This restriction has been removed. The Tender Approval Date in the Tender Brief will also be extended accordingly.

Purchase Order

  • Purchase Orders and Contracts can now be raised from approved Quotations. When doing so, certain fields such as the Quotation Items will be auto-populated in the new PO or Contract.
  • The ‘PO Date’ field has been replaced with ‘PO Start Date’. The ‘PO End Date’ field has also been added.
  • In the Document tab, users can now choose whether to upload attachments for external viewing by Vendors, or for internal reference only. Users can also view attachments uploaded by Vendors.
  • Fixes an issue in the PO submission section where the percentage allocated for each COA is calculated incorrectly. The ‘Original Budget’ field has also been removed.


  • In Reminder Email Settings, admins can now customize when notification emails will be sent to Vendors regarding the end of the Invitation to Quotation stage (N days before Quotation End Date).
  • In Application Settings for Quotations, Admins can now configure the minimum number of bidders and minimum number of submissions required per Quotation exercise. Admins can also configure whether approval is required for Quotation Plan submissions, extensions, cancellations, and recommendations.
  • In Workflow Templates, Admins can now customize the approval workflows for Quotations.

Updates for Vendor Accounts


  • When responding to an Invitation to Bid, instructions have been amended to make it easier to respond to the invitation (Accept/Decline).
  • During the Negotiation stage, the ‘Intangible Value Adding’ is added to allow Vendors to describe any non-monetary benefits offered during negotiation.

Purchase Order

  • Vendors can now view supporting documents uploaded by Buyers. Vendors can also upload attachments to share with Buyers.

Service Update

Released on 20 March 2023.

Updates for Buyer Accounts


  • Certain attached documents can now be previewed in the web browser without first being downloaded. The document formats that are supported for the browser preview include "docx", "doc", "pdf", "txt", "xls", "xlsx", "ods", "bmp", "png", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "wmf", "emf", "tiff".
  • In Tenders, Quotations, Contracts and Invoices, buyer users can now categorize attached documents as internal (for buyer users only) or external (for buyer and vendor users). Existing documents will be categorized as external by default. Buyers can preview, download, delete or switch the categorization of documents, while vendors can only preview or download documents.


  • When Vendors fill up their Financial Statement in their Company Profile, they now have the option to specify their financial statement type, select the financial year up to 5 years prior to the current year, as well as specify a reason if the financial statement type is stated to be ‘not applicable’. For existing Vendor Profiles, all Financial Statement Types will default to ‘Audited Financial Report’, and the Year field will be auto-populated based on the previously entered data.


  • In the Pricing Summary tab, a link has been added to the Bill of Materials (BOM) Template Listing to make it easier for the Tender Requester or Tender Members to download and customize a BOM template for each Tender.


  • Invoices can now be created based on Contracts, not just based on Purchase Orders.


  • In Approval Groups, Admins can now configure multi-level approval for vendor performance evaluations.

Updates for Vendor Accounts


  • Attached documents can now be previewed in the web browser without first being downloaded. The supported document formats include "docx", "doc", "pdf", "txt", "xls", "xlsx", "ods", "bmp", "png", "gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "wmf", "emf", "tiff".

Company Profile

  • When filling up your company’s Financial Statement in the Financial Information section, you now have the option to specify your financial statement type, select the financial year up to 5 years prior to the current year, as well as specify a reason if the financial statement type is stated to be ‘not applicable’.

Service Update

Released on 20 February 2023.

Updates for Buyer Accounts

Vendor Performance

  • Fixes an issue where the status of Vendor Performance Evaluations did not update correctly after they were successfully submitted.

Purchase Requisition

  • Fixes an issue where Purchase Requisitions raised from published Contracts did not allow users to add new PR items.

Tender & e-Bidding

  • In the Tender Committee tab, users can now specify the name and email address of the Tender Secretariat.

Purchase Order

  • Fixes an issue where Purchase Orders could not be created from approved Purchase Requisitions.


  • When performing changes to a Published Contract, the ‘Items’ checkbox has been renamed as ‘Contract Items’, and a tool tip has been added to guide users.


  • In Application Settings, Admins can now specify the maximum file size and blocked file extensions for all documents uploaded by their users and Vendors. These restrictions will be applied across all modules in the WeManage system.
  • Fixes an Issue in Evaluation Score Sheet Template where existing Evaluation Section Templates could not be imported into new Evaluation Score Sheet Templates.

Updates for Vendor Accounts

Tender & e-Bidding

  • In the Tender Details tab, you can now view the name and email address of the Tender Secretariat, who will be the main contact person for a specific Tender or e-Bidding exercise.

Service Update

Released on 9 January 2023.

Updates for Buyer Accounts


  • After clicking on the App Launcher (top left corner), the design of the navigation bar is now more compact to improve the organization of module.

Vendor Performance

  • If multiple levels of approval are required for Vendor Performance Evaluation, 2nd level approvers and above will be able to view comments submitted by previous approvers.


  • In Application Settings, Admins can now specify the weekends observed (I.e. Friday-Saturday or Saturday-Sunday). This will influence the appearance of calendars throughout the system, which will grey out the weekend.
  • In Application Settings, Admin can now set how many levels of approval will be required for vendor performance evaluation.

Updates for Vendor Accounts


  • In the Help section, the tutorial videos have been updated and expanded to cover the entire end-to-end procurement process from signing up to submitting invoices.

Service Update

Released on 5 December 2022.

Updates for Buyer Accounts


  • When creating new Quotations, the system will validate that the Quotation End Date comes after the Clarification End Date.
  • In the Vendor List tab, you are now required to invite at least one Vendor before the Quotation can be submitted.


  • Fixes a previous issue in the Contract Execution tab where users were unable to apply Contract Execution Plan Templates.
  • The Contract Items and Billing Milestone tabs will now display the sum for the following fields: Gross Amount, Tax Amount, Total Amount, Base Gross Amount, Base Tax Amount, Base Total Amount, Base Payment, Base Tax, and Base Total Payment.


  • You can now download templates, create new records and upload data using Batch Import for the following settings – Material Category, Material Sub-Category, Evaluation Criteria Category/Sub-Category Template, Evaluation Section Template, and Evaluation Score Sheet Template.


  • Documents uploaded into the system can no longer contain the following characters in the filename: # % & * : < > ? \ / { } ~ | ' + =. If these characters are detected in the filename, you will be prompted to rename and re-upload the document.

Updates for Vendor Accounts


  • The Contract Items and Billing Milestone tabs now will now display the sum for the following fields: Gross Amount, Tax Amount, Total Amount, Base Gross Amount, Base Tax Amount, Base Total Amount, Base Payment, Base Tax, and Base Total Payment.


  • Documents uploaded into the system can no longer contain the following characters in the filename: # % & * : < > ? \ / { } ~ | ' + =. If these characters are detected in the filename, you will be prompted to rename and re-upload the document.

Service Update

Released on 4 November 2022.

Updates for Buyer Accounts


  • New Tenders will no longer include the sourcing method (RFI, RFP, RFQ, DN, EB, OT, RT) in the Tender No.. The new Tender No. format will be WM-xxxx-yyyy, where x is a running number, and y is the year the Tender is created in. Existing Tenders will not be affected.
  • Open Tender and Restricted Tender are now merged as subsets of RFQ, RFP and RFI, and can be selected in the Tender Brief for new Tenders. The Open Tender and Restricted Tender tabs are now removed from the Tender Listing and Pending Tasks pages. NOTE: This change will not take effect if you have existing Open Tenders or Restricted Tenders submitted.
  • eBidding and Direct Negotiation are no longer parked within the Tender module. They are now independent modules and can be accessed directly from the App Launcher.


  • In Application Setting – Sourcing, Admins can now customize the Bidder Resubmission Method for Tenders. The settings supported include:
    • allowing only Buyers to trigger Tender Resubmission (default)
    • allowing Vendors to directly amend and resubmit Tenders
    • allowing Vendors to trigger a Tender Resubmission Request that requires approval
  • In Application Setting – Sourcing, Admins can customize the people in charge (PIC) for Tender Resubmissions. The options include Chairperson, Procurement Officer, Tender Initiator, and Tender Opening Committee.
  • Bill of Materials (BOM) Templates have received the following adjustments:
    • Column widths have been resized to improve readability
    • Default name of the Excel template has been changed to BOMTemplate_yyyymmddhhmm
    • The ‘Intent to Bid’ and ‘Justification’ columns have been moved to the right of the UOM column

Updates for Vendor Accounts


  • In Tender Pricing Summary, if there are child items parked under parent items, the total price for each parent item will be auto summed based on the price of its child items.
  • In the Bill of Materials (BOM) Template, you are no longer required to fill in the Quantity, UOM and Intent to Bid fields for Parent Items (I.e. items with Parent ID = 0)
  • After submitting a Tender, you may be allowed to directly amend and resubmit the Tender, or raise a Tender Resubmission Request to the Buyer. These options depend on the Buyer’s settings, and are not available by default.

Service Update

Released on 15 October 2022.

Updates for Buyer Accounts


  • The landing page has been redesigned to be more intuitive, including a Getting Started Section with quick links to key areas for setup.

Purchase Requisition (PR)

  • You can now duplicate existing PRs by clicking on the Clone button in the PR Header, as long as PR duplication has been allowed in Application Settings.


  • You can now duplicate existing Tender Plans for RFI, RFP and RFQ by clicking on the Clone button in the Tender Brief, as long as Tender duplication has been allowed in Application Settings.
  • In the Tender Brief, there is now a limit of 4000 characters for the Description and Objective field.
  • For Tender Committees, the 'Project Manager' field has been replaced with 'Tender Requester'. By default, this field is assigned to the user who created the Tender, but this can be reassigned by a System Admin.
  • During Tender Preparation, the Evaluation Selection tab now display a hyperlink after an Evaluation Score Sheet is selected and saved. This allows you to edit the score sheet directly.
  • For Tenders that are pending approval for extension or cancellation, the status in the Pending Task Listing will now be displayed as 'Pending Extension Approval' and 'Pending Cancellation Approval'. Previously, this was not reflected in the tender status and pending task list.
  • In the Negotiation tab, shortcut buttons have been added to easily view each Vendors' Technical, Commercial and Compliance documents.
  • In the Reports Tab, the Pricing Comparison Summary is now available. This allows users to compare overall bids for each Tender, in contrast to the Pricing Comparison report which compares prices for each material item.


  • You can now duplicate existing Quotations by clicking on the Clone button in the Quotation Header, as long as Quotation duplication has been allowed in Application Settings.
  • In the Quotation Header, a tooltip has been added for the 'Product / Service Category' field.
  • In the Documents tab, attachments can no longer be uploaded or removed unless the Quotation status is 'Draft'.

Purchase Order (PO)

  • In the PO Listing, you can now filter for POs by status.
  • In the PO Listing, all approved Purchase Requisitions (PR) will now be listed, including those without a Vendor.
  • You can now create POs by selecting multiple PR Items, as long as they share the same PR No., currency and Vendor. PR Items without a Vendor can also be selected if they share the same PR No. and currency.
  • In the PO Listing, the Published Contract tab now accurately displays the price for each item, instead of the overall contract price.
  • In the PO Items tab, you can now edit the Material Item Code and UOM for each Material Item.
  • When creating a PO from a PR, you are now allowed to edit the Unit Price and Quantity for each Material Item.
  • You can now create standalone POs that are not linked to a PR, Tender or Contract by selecting 'Standalone' as the PO Creation Source in the PO Header.
  • Once a PO is approved, you can no longer upload attachments in the Document tab.
  • Before Vendors respond to an awarded PO, they can now upload supporting documents. You can view the Vendor’s attachments in the PO’s Document tab.


  • In the Contract Items tab, you can now update the Material Item Code, UOM and Delivery Location for each item.


  • New Invoices will no longer require approval if 'Require Invoice Approval' is not selected in Application Settings.
  • Invoice date is now a mandatory field. For existing invoices without an Invoice date, this field will be auto-filled with the creation date.

Vendor Performance

  • In the Vendor Performance Listing, vendor evaluation rating will now be displayed as a percentage score instead of points.

Vendor Profile

  • Vendor Profile now includes a 360 View, which summarises the Vendor’s performance by year. The placement of modules has also been rearranged to be more user friendly.
  • When a Vendor is blacklisted, this information is now displayed in the Vendor’s Background tab, including details such as the date, reason and user who initiated the blacklist.
  • When a creating one-off Vendor, a help message will be displayed if the username does not comply with the required format (must be more than 4 characters long and contain only letters and numbers).
  • Once a Vendor connects with your company using your invitation link, they will appear in the Vendor Profile Listing. If Vendor Pre-Qualification Evaluation or Approval was turned on in Application Settings, they will be also added to the Task module for your further action.


  • Breadcrumbs have been added to Settings pages to improve navigation.
  • In Application Settings, Admins now have the option to allow certain user roles to duplicate sourcing exercises (Purchase Requisitions, Tenders and Quotations).
  • You can now download templates, create new records and upload data using Batch Import for the following settings - Business Unit, User, Cost Center, Compliance Matrix Template, Evaluation Criteria Template, UOM, Tax Code, Material, COA, Calendar, Briefing Location, Project Code, Delivery Location, Forex.
  • When editing a Bill of Materials (BOM) Template that has an Uploaded Template, you can now successfully upload a file to replace the previously uploaded template.
  • When creating a Compliance Matrix Template, the 'Select Template' field has been removed.
  • You are now able to clone Compliance Matrix Templates if the status is Draft or Inactive.

Updates for Vendor Accounts


  • When a Purchase Order is awarded to you, you can now upload documents before you submit a response. You can still view and download the documents even after submitting your response.
  • You will now be notified via email when a Buyer publishes a new Contract awarded to you.
  • You can now view details of Contracts that have been awarded, including the contract profile, contract items, billing milestone, document, guarantee, insurance, terms and order.


  • Invoice date is now a mandatory field. For existing invoices without an Invoice date, this field will be auto-filled with the creation date.

Company Profile

  • The Dashboard page now displays Company Profile as a pending task if the profile has not been submitted yet.
  • Bank Account Information no longer requires the bank address.
  • The Document Upload tab now displays the maximum allowed size for uploading documents.

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